Can you be faster than Gail in getting a diagnosis for Thyroid Eye Disease?
Take part in the Race to Diagnosis game to see if you can beat Gail.
Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) is a rare eye condition. And not all eye doctors (also known as ophthalmologists) have experience treating it. Make sure you’re seeing one that does.
Find a TED Eye Specialist near you:
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While there are about 20,000 ophthalmologists in the US, most are not considered TED Eye Specialists. Most TED Eye Specialists have advanced training in one area of ophthalmology, such as surgical procedures. Below are the types of specialized ophthalmologists that you could see. While they may have different titles, what they have in common is experience treating TED.
General ophthalmologists can be TED Eye Specialists too. This is especially true in rural areas where there might not be an ophthalmologist with advanced training.
Take part in the Race to Diagnosis game to see if you can beat Gail.
Get answers about TED and help finding a TED Eye Specialist.
Monday through Friday, 8AM to 8PM, ET.
Nurse Advocates do not provide individual patient care or medical advice. After speaking with a Nurse Advocate, be sure to talk to your doctor about any signs or symptoms and treatment options.
Terms and Conditions: Horizon Therapeutics is providing this service to help patients and caregivers find a healthcare professional in their area who is knowledgeable about treating Thyroid Eye Disease.
No fees have been received or paid to healthcare professionals for inclusion in this specialist locator directory. Inclusion of a healthcare professional in this directory does not represent an endorsement or recommendation from Horizon Therapeutics.
You are ultimately responsible for the selection of a healthcare professional and it is an important decision that you should consider carefully. This tool is just one source of information available to you.
Note: If you are a healthcare professional and have questions regarding this finder, please call 1-855-380-0472.